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Introduction to Mental Health 

OzHelp offers a suite of training programs designed to upskill workplaces to better manage mental health and well-being. Programs are designed for all levels within an organisation from staff members to CEOs and can be tailored to suit organisational requirements.


Workplaces have a vital role to play in providing supportive environments that promote mental health, wellbeing and resilience in their people.


This 90-minute introduction to mental health and wellbeing is designed as the first step towards providing an understanding of what mental health is.


Through this understanding, participants undertake activities to reflect on their own mental health and wellbeing and develop an action plan to support improvements where needed.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this training participants will be able to:

•  Increased understanding of mental health and wellbeing.

•  Increased understanding of the importance of creating a mentally healthy and supportive workplace.

• The development of individual mental health and wellbeing action plans.

Key topics

•  Duty of care

•  What is mental health?

•  Mental health issues vs. mental illness

•  Looking after our own mental health and wellbeing and seeking help if needed

•  Time management and work-life balance

•  Individual action plans to improve mental health and wellbeing.

Primary objectives
  • To support the development of a mentally healthy workplace.

  • To increase participants’ knowledge of the topic.

  • To encourage exploration of participants’ own values, beliefs, expectations and attitudes.

  • To increase self-awareness.

  • To develop confidence through the provision of practical skills.


90 minutes


To check with Training & Suport


In person


Minimum: 6

Maximum: 24


No restrictions


All OzHelp courses are run in-house by request only

and well-being in the workplace

Training Terms & Conditions

No charge

to reschedule. Please contact us and state clearly the date of your current booking and your preferred alternate date and location.

Full course refund

if more than 2 weeks notice. (less third party fees and charges).

50% refund

 if less than 2 weeks notice.

No refund

 if less than 1 week notice.

For more information, contact:

Call the Training & Support team

Browse community education training courses

Other workshops

Mental Health First Aid

The Mental Health First Aid course teaches participants how to provide initial support to someone who is experiencing a mental health problem or crisis.


2 days


$325 per person

(including GST)


In person

Managing Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace

Workplaces have a vital role to play in providing supportive environments that promote mental health, wellbeing and resilience in their people. It is specifically designed to empower managers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage workers presenting with issues pertaining to mental health and/or mental illness.


3 hours 


Tailored to request


In person

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