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Our Strategic Direction

Our Governance Framework is based on a set of values and behaviours that underpin our day to day activities, provide transparency, and protect the interests of stakeholders.

Lifeline Tasmania: Our strategic direction

Lifeline is governed in accordance with the documents which can be accessed via the links below.


Lifeline Tasmania Constitution

Lifeline Tasmania Annual Reports

2022 Annual Report.JPG
Annual Report 
Lifeline Tasmania annual report FY 19/20
Annual Report 2019/2020
Lifeline Tasmania annual report FY 16/17
Annual Report 2016/2017
Lifeline Tasmania annual report FY 13/14
Annual Report 2013/2014
Lifeline Tasmania annual report FY 21/22
Annual Report 
Lifeline Tasmania annual report FY 18/19
Annual Report 2018/2019
Lifeline Tasmania annual report FY 15/16
Annual Report 2015/2016
Lifeline Tasmania annual report FY 20/21
Annual Report 2020/2021
Lifeline Tasmania annual report FY 17/18
Annual Report 2017/2018
Lifeline Tasmania annual report FY 14/15
Annual Report 2014/2015

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