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Trauma Informed Organisation

This 1-day workshop is designed to help people in leadership positions implement systemic changes to create trauma informed organisations.


When organisations provide a trauma-informed approach at every level, the quality of psychological safety rises, and clients, customers, and staff are less likely to be re-traumatised or traumatise others. Also, when embedded and communicated well, systems informed by trauma-informed principles remove mental and emotional barriers many traumatised people face. When policies, procedures and relevant systems present an integrated approach to viewing trauma, staff find it easier to align their own trauma-informed practices with greater success.

Who should attend?

The Trauma Informed Organisation is for leaders, team leaders, managers, executives, and People & Culture teams who would like to systemise an organisation around trauma-informed principles.

Learning outcomes
  • How to reduce the incidence of trauma and re-traumatisation in service delivery

  • How to recognise trauma in service delivery staff

  • Understand Trauma Informed Practice principles, and how to measure them

  • Translate change management principles to TI practices that enhance the necessary paradigm shift

  • Audit your service’s journey towards becoming a trauma-informed organisation

  • Identify common barriers and solutions to implementation

  • Create your personal roadmap for implementing TI framework

  • Learn skills in being a trauma-informed advocate


• Comprehensive participant manual with references for further reading.


• Participants will leave with a toolbox of practical resources.


1 day


$295 per person

(including GST)


In person


Minimum: 12

Maximum: 25


Training & Support to confirm


Public trainings: Nurturing, comfortable and convenient venues. Tea, coffee and catered morning tea and afternoon tea is included. 

Training Terms & Conditions

No charge

to reschedule. Please contact us and state clearly the date of your current booking and your preferred alternate date and location.

Full course refund

if more than 2 weeks notice. (less third party fees and charges).

50% refund

 if less than 2 weeks notice.

No refund

 if less than 1 week notice.

For more information, contact;

Call the Training & Support team

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$325 per person

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90 minutes


Tailored to request


In person

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